On October 6th 2021, Windows launched Windows 11!! I know like you! I thought Windows 10 was going to be their last!!
How frustrating, that we
all were getting used to Windows 10 and then they bring 11 out. First of all, I was "I don't believe this, why did you say Windows 10 was going to be the last!"
I was silly enough to believe Microsoft that they would not mess around with their operating system.
The good thing is we all have until 2025 before they discontinue Windows 10! so we have a few years before we need to change again.
You can check to see if your PC is compatible by downloading the PC health check from the link below:
If you find that your PC is not compatible, this is not an issue as mentioned before you have until 2025 before you need to think about buying a new PC. Windows 10 will continue to get the important updates until then.